BLOCKv Basics

Ecosystem Roles
Template and Variation

Building vAtoms


Configuring Faces

Image Progress
Image Policy
Image Layered
Web Face


To create a vAtom, you need to create a template and a template variation, and register actions and faces.

Creating a template

The template defines private fields and resource types to be used by your vAtom. It can also set the default content of all fields. See the API details here.

Creating a template variation

The template variation sets the content of all fields, and sets the resource content URLs. If a field is not included, the default value set in the template is used. See the API details here.

Registering faces

Faces define how a vAtom should appear in different environments. See the API details here.

Registering actions

Actions define what a user can do with a vAtom. The Transfer action allows them to transfer the vAtom to another user, the Drop action allows users to drop it on the map, etc. See the API details here.

Emitting your vAtom

Once you have all the above set up, you can create your vAtom. Emitting the vAtom will use your template to create the vAtom and put it in your account. See the API details here.

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