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Create Variation



By creating a vAtom template variation the values for the defined structure of the template are specified. No properties can be added or removed, as the structure is defined in the Template.

Overwrite behavior

If a field that is present in the template and is not specified as part of the create template variation payload, then the value that is specified in the template is used.

When creating a template variations the values of fields under vatom can be overwritten with the restriction that for state/resource arrays, only the value field can be overwritten and no elements can be added or removed.

Draft mode

Template variations can be created in draft mode by setting the flag unpublished: true. If a template variation is in draft mode it can be changed/deleted. The changes will also be applied to the vAtoms that are already emitted. While in draft mode, max. 10 vAtoms can be emitted for a template variation.

Once a template variation is published (by setting unpublished: false, all vAtoms in draft mode are deleted and the template variation can no longer be updated.

A template variation can only be published, if the corresponding template is published as well.

Create Variation Request

HTTP Headers

Content-Type: application/json App-Id: {app_id}

Payload Details

template * stringSpecifies the Template-Name and has to be a unique string beginning with the publisher domain name.
template_variation * stringIs the name of the Template-Variation and like the Template, it has to begin with you publisher domain followed by a unique string.
max_clones_per_instanceintTotal number of clones that are allowed from a given vatom. There is a hard cap of 100. max_clones_per_instance cannot be greater than max_clones_total .
max_clones_totalintTotal number of clones that can exist for a template variation. range 1 to 2147483647. Number of vatoms emitted * max_clones_per_instance cannot be greater than this number.
max_numintMaximum number of vatoms that can exist for a template. max_clones_total should be equal or less than this number. Valid values range from 1 to 2147483647. Also see auto_create_on_acquire .
per_clone_gainintHow much the cloning score is increased when the vAtom is cloned. The increase is per_clone_gain/100 .
per_clone_gain_deductionintThe divisor by which the per_clone_gain is divided for each indirect clone.
redeemableobjectRequired only if the template has redeemable set to true .
auto_create_on_acquirebooleanfalse by default, if set to true, a AcquirePubVariation Action will automatically generate a new vAtom
publicbooleanfalse by default, if set to true then the template variation will be publicly accessible (read only)
vatom * objectDefine vatom object

Clone gain and clone gain deduction example

The initial cloning score for a vAtom is 0, the template variation of the vAtom has the following configuration:

  • per_clone_gain: 20
  • per_clone_gain_deduction: 2

When a user A clones the vAtom 1 and shares it with a friend user B, the friend gets vAtom 2. vAtom 1 now has a cloning score of 0 + (20/100) = 0.2 and vAtom 2 has a cloning score of 0. Now user B clones vAtom 2 and shared it with another friend user C, the friend gets vAtom 3. vAtom 1 now has a cloning score of 0 + 20/100 + 20/2/100 = 0.3, vAtom 2 has a cloning score of 0 + (20/100) = 0.2 and vAtom 3 has a cloning score of 0.

redeemable object

org_changeobjectThe update that is applied when a vAtom is returned as part of the redeemable action. The changes are applied to the original vAtom.
return_changeobjectThe update that is applied when a vAtom is returned as part of the redeemable action. The changes are applied to the returned vAtom.
return_namestringThe name of the template variation that is used to issue a return vAtom when the user redeems the vAtom.
valid_fromdateFrom when on the vAtom can be redeemed. ISO Date or '*' for no limit.
valid_untildateUntil when the vAtom can be redeemed. ISO Date or '*' for not limit.

Reactor update object

parent_idstringID of the parent vAtom, for example a folder
transferablebooltrue or false defines if the vAtom can be transferred with a Transfer Action
acquirablebooltrue or false defines if the vAtom can be acquired with a Acquire Action
redeemablebooltrue or false defines if a vAtom can be redeemed with a Redeem Action
visibilityobjectDefines who can see the vAtom
geo_posobjectThe geo position of the vAtom when it is dropped
privateobjectChanges to the private section of the vAtom. Any key that is defined in the template variation can be updated.

Sample Request

  "template": "publisher_fqdn::Template_Name::v1",
  "template_variation": "publisher_fqdn::Template_Name::v1::Variation_Name::v1",
  "public": false,
  "max_clones_per_instance": 10000,
  "max_clones_total": 10000,
  "max_num": 10000,
  "per_clone_gain": 1,
  "redeemable": {
    "org_change": {
      "GeoPos": "",
      "redeemable": false
    "return_change": {
      "GeoPos": ""
    "return_name": "publisher_fqdn::Template_Name::v1::Variation_Name::v1",
    "valid_from": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "valid_until": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
  "auto_create_on_acquire": false,
  "unpublished": true,
  "vatom": {
    "vAtom::vAtomType": {
      "transferable": true,
      "acquirable": false,
      "redeemable": false,
      "title": "Example",
      "category": "Utilities",
      "description": "This is just a demo",
      "commerce": {
        "pricing": {
          "pricingType": "Fixed",
          "value": {
            "currency": "",
            "price": "0",
            "valid_from": "*",
            "valid_through": "*",
            "vat_included": false
      "resources": [
          "name": "ActivatedImage",
          "resourceType": "ResourceType::Image::PNG",
          "value": {
            "resourceValueType": "ResourceValueType::URI",
            "value": "https://cdn.blockv.io/blockv.templates/publisher_fqdn/Template_Name/v1/Variation_Name/v1/icon.png"
          "name": "CardImage",
          "resourceType": "ResourceType::Image::JPEG",
          "value": {
            "resourceValueType": "ResourceValueType::URI",
            "value": "https://cdn.blockv.io/blockv.templates/publisher_fqdn/Template_Name/v1/Variation_Name/v1/example.jpg"
      "visibility": {
        "type": "owner",
        "value": "*"
    "private": {}

Create Variation Response

Return & Error Codes

200httpEverything is OK
400httpInvalid data
403httpNot Authorized

Sample Response

    "payload": {
        "success_message": "created TemplateVariation successfully",
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