
Getting Started


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Getting Started

App Registration

Before you get started, please make sure you have a developer account registered with an admin user and a valid API access key called App-ID. Once you signed up for a developer account you will get:

  1. An app_id, or a unique code that identifies your app within our system.
  2. A publisher domain. Each organization in our system is given a unique string that is similar to a domain name. This string identifies your organization and is associated with any vAtoms you create. We will grant your user account (as is specified in the Access Request Form above) the publisher rights necessary to create digital objects within the domain we assign to you.

Getting Started with the API

Anatomy of a Request Message

  • An HTTP Method (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, etc.)
  • An Endpoint URL (e.g. https://api.blockv.io/v1/user/login)
  • HTTP Headers

    • Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
    • App-Id: {app_id}
    • Content-Type: {based on the method... will be specified in the request documentation}
  • Content

    • POST, PUT, and PATCH methods will usually require a JSON request body, the schema of which will be specified in the request documentation


Authorization Header

All requests, with some noted exceptions, require you to pass an access_token, which takes the form of a JWT, and authenticates your user to our API.

An access_token can be obtained by completing a User Login request, which contains a token in the response body after successful authentication.

Once you have one access_token, future requests can be authenticated by specifying the access_token you received in the HTTP Authorization header of your requests.

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

App-Id Header

All requests made to our API require your app to identify itself. Once we have responded to your request for developer access, you will be given an app_id.

Requests to our API should specify the following header:

App-Id: {app id identifying your application}
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